For really great coffee I highly recommend Kaffemisjonen in Øvre Korskirkeallmenning 5. Dromedar(Strandgaten 81), Det Lille Kaffekompaniet (Nedre Fjellsmauet 2), and BarBarista (Stølegaten 8a) are also great.
Good restaurantes: Bølgen & Moi (Rasmus Meyers Allé 9),Café Opera (Engen 18), Pingvinen (Vaskerelven 14), Potetkjelleren (Kong Oscars gate 1), Soho Kitchen & Lounge (Håkonsgaten 27), Søtt + Salt (they did the catering in our wedding), Colonialen (Engen 8), Lucullus (Valkendorfsgate 8), Hanne på Høyden (Fosswinckelsgate 18), Kroathai (Nygårdsgaten 29),Escalon (Vestrlidsallmenning 21), Jacobs Bar & Kjøkken (Kong Oscars gate 44).
For beer(Hansa is our lokal brew) and rock visit Legal and the legendary Garage (Christiesgate 11 and 14)
Contra Bar offers a stylish environment and lively crowed in the centre of town ( Nedre Ole Bulls pl 4.)KONG OSCAR'S PØLSE STAND. Best hotdogs in town!( Kong Oscars gate 3)
Muffin og Hekkel. A cosy retro looking cafe with great service from beautiful owner Ingrid. The best toasties in town! ( Skostredet 12)
Skipet Mex Tex. Amazing mexican food and great atmosphere! Ask for my younger sister Ingrid who runs this brand new restaurant (torget 13)