
Have breakfast or lunch at Godt Brød. They serve the best ecological sandwiches in town. The brownies and sommerbolle (sweet bun with vanilla custard) are yummy too. Find Godt Brød in Korskirken, Vestre Torvgate and Vetrlidsallmenning. Smakverket (Rasmus Meyers Allé 3) is another excellent choice for lunch and really good coffee.
For really great coffee I highly recommend Kaffemisjonen in Øvre Korskirkeallmenning 5Dromedar(Strandgaten 81)Det Lille Kaffekompaniet (Nedre Fjellsmauet 2), and BarBarista (Stølegaten 8a) are also great.
Good restaurantes: Bølgen & Moi (Rasmus Meyers Allé 9),Café Opera (Engen 18), Pingvinen (Vaskerelven 14), Potetkjelleren (Kong Oscars gate 1), Soho Kitchen & Lounge (Håkonsgaten 27), Søtt + Salt (they did the catering in our wedding), Colonialen (Engen 8), Lucullus (Valkendorfsgate 8), Hanne på Høyden (Fosswinckelsgate 18), Kroathai (Nygårdsgaten 29),Escalon (Vestrlidsallmenning 21), Jacobs Bar & Kjøkken (Kong Oscars gate 44).
For beer(Hansa is our lokal brew) and rock visit Legal and the legendary Garage  (Christiesgate 11 and 14) 
Contra Bar offers a stylish environment and lively crowed in the centre of town ( Nedre Ole Bulls pl 4.)
KONG OSCAR'S PØLSE STAND. Best hotdogs in town!( Kong Oscars gate 3)
Muffin og Hekkel. A cosy retro looking cafe with great service from beautiful owner Ingrid. The best toasties in town! ( Skostredet 12)
Skipet Mex Tex. Amazing mexican food and great atmosphere! Ask for my younger sister Ingrid who runs this brand new restaurant (torget 13)